Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!

Referensi ucapan hari valentine dengan kutipan film Disney

Perayaan Valentine atau hari kasih sayang tinggal menghitung hari lagi. Kamu pasti sudah tak sabar buat menunjukkan rasa kasih baik kepada teman, keluarga, atau pasangan dengan cokelat atau makan bersama.

Namun supaya lengkap, jangan lupa berikan ucapan valentine yang manis sebagai ungkapan cinta, ya. 

Kamu bisa membuat sendiri ucapan yang langsung dari hati, tapi jika terlalu malu atau merasa sulit, frasa dari lirik lagu, puisi, atau penggalan film bisa jadi solusi. Seperti 15 quotes romantis dari film Disney berikut ini, dijamin bikin bahagia si penerima ucapan!

Baca Juga: 11 Rekomendasi Film Serial Kisah Romantis saat Hari Valentine, Seru!

1. “I’d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.” - John Smith, Pocahontas

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!jhon smith pocahontas (imdb.com)

2. “People always do crazy things when they’re in love.” - Meg, Hercules

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!hercules film (movies.disney.com)

3. “I have just met you and I love you.” - Dug, UP

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!film Up (movies.disney.com)

4. “Because when I look at you, I can feel it. And I look at you and I’m home.” - Dory, Finding Nemo

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!finding nemo (movies.disney.com)

5. “So this is love. So this is what makes life divine.” - Cinderella, Cinderella

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!cinderella movies (movies.disney.com)

6. “My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.” - Princess Tiana, The Princess and the Frog

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!the princess and frog (princess.disney.com)

7. “Can you feel the love tonight? You needn’t look too far. Stealing through the night’s uncertainties, love is where they are.” - The Lion King

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!the lion king (disney.id)
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8. “You are my greatest adventure.” - Mr. Incredible, The Incredibles

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!the incredibles (movies.disney.com)

9. “Everything is different now that I see you.” - Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, Tangled

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!tangled movies (movies.disney.com)

10. "Let me share this whole new world with you." - Aladdin and Princess Jasmine

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!aladdin the movie (movies.disney.com)

11. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." - Belle, Beauty and The Beast

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!beauty and the beast (imdb.com)

12. "Love is never wrong and so it never dies." - As Sung, The Lion King 2

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!the lion king 2 (movies.disney.id)

13. "I love you, 3000." - Morgan & Tony Stark, Avengers: Endgame

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!morgan stark (disney.fandom.com)

14. "I wouldn’t have nothing if I didn’t have you." - Monster’s, Inc.

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!monsters inc (movies.disney.com)

15. "A hug is alway the right size." - Winnie the Pooh

Ucapan Valentine, 15 Quotes Cinta di Film Disney, Romantis!winnie the pooh (disney.fandom.com)

Setiap kutipan  film Disney di atas memiliki makna indah di baliknya. Selanjutnya, mamu bisa memilih mana yang paling sesuai menggambarkan perasaanmu pada seseorang. Ah, pasti momen Valentine kali ini akan jadi yang terindah!

Baca Juga: Gak Cuma Bunga, 5 Hadiah Ini Juga Bisa Jadi Kado Valentine Loh 

Dyar Ayu Photo Community Writer Dyar Ayu

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